highlight reel 2021

May 6, 2022

Better late than never! I started this over two years ago and it’s been bugging me that I never put the polishing touches on it. So… here we go with all its imperfections and unruly disruption of the order of these highlight posts!

1. Jeremy and I loved starting the new year off as a family of 5! It was our first full year as parents of three beautiful children and our hearts are grateful for the smiles, tears, growth, and joy that they all bring to our marriage and our lives.

2. Jeremy and I shared SIX years of marriage this year and celebrated with a local getaway to share a meal and deep conversation (oh how I do love these!) over a beautiful fire overlooking the countryside. The season of COVID certainly helped to slow us down and appreciate the smaller moments shared together and this was one of my favorites.

3. This year was unique in that we were all home doing virtual school or teleworking. While I believe the majority of folks would agree this arrangement came with some surprising advantages and incredible challenges, when weighed together, our family came out humbled and victorious. We were able to do some traveling to see family at a time typically limited by the school year and share more quality moments normally impacted by the grind of a daily work commute.

4. Aiden gained some serious mobility and turned O-N-E! There are no words to describe how quickly this year flew by! I’m so grateful I was able to be home for all of it.

5. Seeing Lilly’s community of girlfriends grow! and watching her excel in tae kwon do – COVID gave us the opportunity to walk and play outside near our house so much more – which provided the chance to meet our neighbors doing the same things! We are blessed with some amazing little ladies (and young men!) around us!

6. Getting to take Jeremiah to his first UVA football game!

7. Gathering with family – Being away from each other for what felt like so many special holidays and celebrations has us incredibly grateful to be back together again for all of them!

8. Our Deck – I have always wanted an inviting area outside to extend our hosting space. This year, we were blessed to get to invest into the process of tearing down our old deck and building a newer, more functional, and considerably safer space for all of us. We have a fun new spot to eat, invite neighbors and friends, and chase balls around!

9. Missouri Trip – Jeremy and I took a trip out to St. Louis and enjoyed a short visit with Jeremiah, incredible 1:1 time together, and amazing food. I’ve also always wanted to mark off the Arch from my Bucket List and we were able to do it!

10. Summer adventures to New Jersey, the beach, Sesame Place, and Hershey Park!

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